The only aquarium of Austin is definitely not what you’d expect when visitors arrive for their first visit. A typical aquarium will mostly fill the space with large tanks of fish only for you to observe. I’ve been to many aquariums across the country, but the Austin Aquarium offers its guests something unique. Read below to learn what to expect before visiting the Austin Aquarium, and the many exotic species you’ll see inside.

Full Disclosure: My visit to The Austin Aquarium was hosted, BUT the opinions here are completely my own.

Where is the Austin Aquarium

13530 US-183 Ste 101,
Austin, TX 78750
(512) 222-5586
Sun-Thurs: 10AM-7PM
Fri & Sat: 10AM-8PM

Located north of Austin near Cedar Park, Texas the Austin Aquarium is located in a plaza near the 183 and Research Blvd. Other than the large sign on the building, most visitors would never know the only aquarium of Austin is located here. The outside design blends with its other neighboring businesses and also includes a standard entrance.

Once you’ve entered into the aquarium, guests can spend an entire day observing, learning, feeding and touching many different types of animals. A visit to the aquarium is a great choice when looking for things to do inside near Austin, Texas especially in summer.

Click here for more suggestions on entertaining things to do inside near Austin, Texas.

Ticket Prices

Free Entry for Foster Children & Educators

Adults: $24.95Child 3-11 yrs.: $19.95Seniors, College Students: $22.95

When You Arrive

Parking at the aquarium is incredibly easy. The parking lot is large, and parking is free. Inside the entrance, guests are immediately greeted by different habitats including a 17-foot python and lemurs. Along with the front desk, you’ll find the restrooms and a large gift shop.

austin aquarium, where is laura traveling


While buying your ticket for the day, the front desk staff will ask if you would like to also like to buy tokens for animal encounters and feedings. Before purchasing tokens, take a tour of the aquarium to get an idea of how many tokens you’ll need. Once purchasing the tokens, they are non-refundable so it’s best to know which animals you want to interact with and feed first.

Explore an Interactive Aquarium

When going on a new aquarium adventure, most people visualize a space with massive floor to ceiling tanks of water filled with sea creatures to gaze upon. Mesmerized by the never resting movement of fish, spectaculars base their experience on what they only were able to observe.

animal petting, where is laura traveling

The Austin Aquarium is significantly different from that type of experience in several ways. While this aquarium of Austin has several large tanks with either freshwater or saltwater fish, most are not so tall that an adult or older child could not lean over the top of the tank.

aquarium in austin, where is laura traveling

In fact, this special aquarium in Texas includes many areas where visitors can feed the fish themselves and even touch them. Stingrays, an octopus, shrimp and several fish encounters allow their visitors to touch the animals, making them a highly interactive aquarium.

Fish You Can Expect to See

Tanks of many shapes containing several types of aquatic life are seen scattered throughout the Austin Aquarium. Take your looking through each tank to see if you can recognize some of the type of fish on display. Some are large and move slowly, while others are quick and might be harder to spot.

aquarium of austin, where is laura traveling

The most common aquatic life people will be able to identify are stingrays, sharks, puffer fish, koi fish, catfish, shrimp, eel, starfish, jellyfish and much more. One of the biggest fish in this aquarium of Austin are the pacu fish that are related to piranhas.

Locating aquariums with octopus are not always common, much less aquariums that will allow you to feed the octopus. They prefer an environment that is dark, so they are kept in an area that if you’re not paying attention, you may walk past its habitat.

Discover More than Just Aquarium Animals

aquarium of austin, where is laura traveling

I honestly did not expect to see so many different types of species inside the aquarium other than just fish. It was an interesting way to tour the aquarium because you never knew what you’d see next. There are reptiles, primates, penguins, birds, wallabies a capybara and much more!

The most surprising animal they had was a sloth! To find the option of a sloth encounter near me in the Austin area was very surprising. With so many different animals to see, this aquarium in Austin surpassed my expectations.

Animal Petting and Feeding

As you’re touring the aquarium, you’ll get an idea which of the animals you’d like to take a closer look at. Next to the habitat, is the number of tokens you will need to enter to join the animals. Not all the animal petting experiences require tokens and are free, so it’s good to get an estimate of how many you’ll need.

animal petting, where is laura traveling

For example, you can enter the bird habitat and pet the tortoise, snake, hand cleaning shrimp and more for free. Also, you can pet the stingrays in their tank, but if you would like to feed them it’s 1 token.

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like about the animals. The staff are very friendly and passionate about the animals found in the aquarium. They went out of their way to help us enjoy our time with them.

There are strict rules in place for a reason and the rules must be followed for the safety of the animals and the guests. The encounters are an amazing experience, but the staff and the animals should be respected at all times. Before and after each encounter, wash your hands at the many stations provided.


Your visit to the aquarium of Austin is not complete without exploring the tank filled with stingrays. This exhibit is perfect for kids and adults who are looking to engage with sea creatures. The tank allows for smaller children to gaze through the glass and see the stingrays as they circle the tank for new snacks. Adults and taller children can hover over the open tank to pet and feed them.

animal petting, where is laura traveling

Stingrays have flattened bodies with eyes on one side of their disc shaped bodies, and their mouth on the other side. Their shape allows them to feed on the seabed, and hide from predators in the sand.

Look for the dispenser nearby where you can purchase fish treats to give them. Each treat comes in a small container and has a few shrimps inside so that you can feed multiple stingrays. There is also a handwashing station nearby.


The habitat for the red ruff lemurs is one of the first animals’ guests will see when entering the aquarium. The Austin and San Antonio Aquariums are actually the only aquariums in the United States where visitors can pet a lemur.

Austin aquarium, where is laura traveling

In a small group, you’ll stand behind the lemurs against a wall as the staff give them a treat. When you are instructed, you’ll be able to pet their backs and get pictures with them taken by the staff. Watching them raise their little hands for a snack and wave is adorable.

Along with the red ruff lemurs, they also have black and white ruffed lemurs in the aquarium in Austin. I loved watching them play together jumping from one swing to the next, but what was so enduring was seeing them play with the staff and being goofy. You can tell they have so much personality.


In my opinion, Sid the sloth was one of the most interesting encounters available in the aquarium. The ability to have what felt like a private sloth encounter near me in Austin, Texas was baffling and a privilege.

sloth encounter near me, where is laura traveling

Our guide that led the feeding and the animal petting was Ryan, and he was absolutely amazing. He explains in detail the major differences between a two-toed and three-toed sloth. Information like how two-toed sloths can be larger in size, while the three-toed sloths have more vertebrae.

The habitat only allows small groups at a time, and to because sloths are not able to regulate their body temperature, they must stay in a warm and humid environment. Seeing, learning, feeding and petting the sloth really was an excellent experience to enjoy inside the aquarium in Austin.

It is however, the most expensive animal interactive in the aquarium, and for good reason. The sloths are not suited for high exposure of people, but if you love sloths and have always wanted to see one up close and learn about them, it’s a wonder interactive aquarium experience.


Inside the Austin Aquarium near the giftshop and bird exhibits are where guests can see and do a shark feeding. Bamboo sharks are generally docile and are not considered dangerous to humans. Their bodies are often patterned with stripes, spots, or bands, which provide camouflage against the ocean floor. They are much smaller in size to a maximum length of 3 feet and have relatively peaceful nature.

aquariums in texas, where is laura traveling

When bamboo sharks eat crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish. They use their small mouths to suck up prey from the ocean floor. When you do a feeding with the sharks, make sure you drop the fish to watch them quickly suck it up.

I made the mistake of dangling the fish above the shark and it grabbed it so fast it surprised me, and I let out a small scream. So be sure to drop the bait and watch them eat the fish in a safe way.


The wallaby habitat was one of my favorites inside the Austin Aquarium. When entering into their habitat, you’ll sit on a bench and have the option to feed and pet them. They were so friendly and soft, and I even got to see the pouch where the mom would keep her joey. You’ll quickly notice that they have smallest hands, especially compared to their large feet.

austin aquarium, where is laura traveling

When seeing a wallaby for the first time, they often are mistaken for kangaroos. Some of the biggest differences between kangaroos and wallabies are that wallabies are much smaller than kangaroos, and unlike kangaroos that can weigh up to 200lbs, wallabies can only get up to 45 lbs.

Also in their habitat are several types of birds. They have silkie chickens, parakeets and even a beautiful golden pheasant. They all live together in harmony and is a great encounter to participate in.


Inside this aquarium in Texas, are 4 small South African Penguins. Our guide was great and gave some information about how theses South African Penguins are considered endangered in the wild. Due to overfishing, oil spills and the destruction of their habitat, penguins have seen a decline in population.

austin aquarium, where is laura traveling

The penguins in the aquarium are very active and seem to enjoy each other’s company as they flock from one area to another together. Two of the penguins have even matted for life.

Enjoy a close encounter with the penguins as you feed them fish and get the opportunity to pet their backs. I was surprised how soft their feathers are, and sometimes you can even see the molting process when the briefly shed some feathers to grow new ones.


Several types of birds are seen the in back part of the aquarium for guests to hold or do a feeding. There is a large habitat full of parakeets where guests can sit on a bench and the birds will perch on them and enjoy a snack. Parrots and toucans have their own habitats next door and are very friendly to the guests.

aquarium of austin, where is laura traveling

The toucans seemed shyer than the parrots when we made our way to them. The parrots are very curious about the guests and can be seen dancing, swaying and even talking. Silkie chickens, golden pheasants and more birds can be seen inside the wallaby habitat.

Be sure to get your camera ready when interacting with the birds at the aquarium.


Throughout this interactive aquarium, you’ll find many reptiles that love a good petting. Once of the first reptiles we came across was an iguana that loves to sit under and heat lamp and have his head scratched.

interactive aquarium, where is laura traveling

While touring the aquarium, we noticed that one of the animals was going for a nice walk: a massive tortoise! Only when the aquarium has low foot traffic does the tortoise go for nice walk, while other times you can find them inside their habitat. Their shell has nerve endings, meaning it is sensitive to touch and pressure. Tortoises can feel when their shells are being touched or damaged. When you see the tortoise, be sure it gives it a nice gentle pet on its shell.

Other reptiles found inside this aquarium in Texas include pythons, geckos, axolotl’s, Soloman island skink, bearded dragons, alligator gar and more.


On your aquarium adventure, be sure to not miss the octopus. Aquariums with octopus tend to be in a darker habitat to match their preferred environment. You’ll need to look hard for the octopus, as it is their to become camouflaged and hide among rocks.

aquariums with octopus, where is laura traveling

Octopus are highly intelligent marine creatures and are known for their ability to problem solve and use their 8 arms with suckers to catch their pray. Be sure to ask one of the members of staff if you’ll be able to get a closer look and do a feeding.


Spike the porcupine was my absolute favorite aquarium animals that we encountered!! I never thought that I would find a porcupine so sweet, but he was so engaging, gentle and so friendly.

austin aquarium, where is laura traveling

Porcupines live most of their lives in trees, so he sat on an elevated shelf about 6 feet off the ground. While I fed him almonds, he would hold my hand and try to climb on my arm to find more snacks. Petting his quills had such a distinct texture that really surprised me. Your guide will remind you to pet him only in one direction, so you don’t get pricked by the quills. I couldn’t stop petting him, and never had a worry or a problem.

If I could have given Spike a hug, I would have done it in a heartbeat. Make sure to pay the Spike the porcupine at the Austin Aquarium!

When to Visit

If you’ve never been to this aquarium of Austin, my biggest advice is to plan your visit ahead of time. When visiting a place for the first time, I like to take my time and not feel like I’m being rushed because of a large crowd. If you feel the same or have kids that can’t help but wonder off, you have to avoid the days or times the aquarium experiences its peak foot traffic.

interactive aquarium, where is laura traveling

Weekdays during the school year the aquarium can see many fieldtrips. We visited on a Thursday and waited until 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm before going and it was perfect. We were able to do all the encounters we hoped for without having to wait in line.

Special events can happen only on holidays or the weekends that you might want to experience. For your first visit, however I would go in the late afternoon on a weekday or early morning on a weekend so you can truly enjoy your time and learn from the helpful staff about their animals. If you have a specific day in mind, call ahead and see when the staff suggests you should plan your visit.

Special Events

Elevate your next experience at the aquarium of Austin when you plan for a special event. Host party, camp out amongst the fish or get a princess glam makeover. There are several ways to make your next trip to the Austin Aquarium a memorable experience.

Have a Private Party

The aquarium is a prime venue for a private event in Austin, centrally located with various rooms for different group sizes. The stunning sea life backdrop adds a unique touch to any occasion. With 24,000 square feet of space, it can host events for 30 to 590 guests, and larger groups can use an enclosed outdoor tent.

Smaller parties can be set up in the main concessions area or throughout the aquarium. An experienced event planner is available to help coordinate, and guests can enjoy guided tours of the aquarium.

Host a Kid’s Party

The Austin Aquarium is the ideal spot for your child’s next birthday party. An educator will guide your party and give guests an exciting tour of the aquarium. Enjoy a relaxed celebration with your family at a reserved party table.

Pizza, popcorn, and soda are available for purchase at the concessions, and you are welcome to bring cake and other treats to customize the fun. You’ll absolutely create amazing memories that your child will remember.

Sleep with the Sharks

Ever wondered about the aquarium of Austin’s nightlife? Join the aquarium after closing time for an unforgettable overnight stay, camping out with majestic creatures. Sleeping with the sharks is a fantastic way to truly observe these creatures right before you drift off to sleep.

Experience the aquarium like never before with a private tour, special surprises, and breakfast in the morning. Plus, enjoy free admission the next day to explore further.

See a Mermaid inside the aquarium of Austin

Do you have a child that has always loved mermaids? If so, plan a trip to the Austin Aquarium on a scheduled date when their beautiful mermaid makes their appearance. Take pictures and create memories.

Mermaids can be scheduled to see on weekends, holidays, spring break and summer break from 11AM-5 PM. For more information, click here or contact the aquarium.

Princess Makeovers

Treat your child to a special day and watch as they transform into a little princess. Spend a magical day at the aquarium in Austin where your child gets her hair and makeup done all while wearing a princess dress.

In a private room, she’ll be styled and dolled up so that she can truly feel extra special for a day. After her makeover, she’ll walk through the aquarium exploring the animals all while showing off her new look! Click here to schedule.

Bring the Animals to You

If you’re having a special event away from the aquarium, but you’d love to have some of their cool animals make an appearance, it can be arranged! Contact the aquarium, and 1 or 2 members of staff can bring 4-5 animals to you! Call the aquarium, or book online.

Personal Tips When Visiting the Aquarium

The tokens are non-refundable, so take a tour of the aquarium first to get an estimate of how many you’ll need. If you have leftover tokens, save them for your next visit.

I thought Sid the sloth was exceptionally interesting to see, but it is the most expensive animal encounter in the aquarium. If you are not able to afford the sloth encounter, I would definitely do an encounter with Spike the porcupine and the wallabies.

Plan your visit during the slower times of the day and week to not feel rushed or overwhelmed. Weekday afternoons and early morning weekends are your best options.

Follow the strict instructions when doing an animal encounter. These are real animals and must be treated with respect.

aquarium of austin, where is laura traveling

My Personal Experience

My overall experience at the Austin Aquarium was very good. I’m glad we went on a weekday afternoon and took our time getting to see the many different species in the aquarium. I will say that my first impression of the aquarium seemed like the space was small, but they really utilize the space to make room for several habitats.

With the many different species of animals, and not just aquatic animals, it felt like part aquarium and part zoo-like. I would absolutely recommend the aquarium to anyone visiting the area, especially if they have a strong passion for animals.


Austin Aquarium
Categories: Austin


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